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The view from the rooftop of Downtown Works. Photo by Mindy Tucker Fletcher

March 21, 2017 Comments (0) Views: 2613 Blog, Startup Buzz

Startup Buzz: The Best Co-Working View in Town

Plus: UCSD research yields new eye implant

Follow the Money

The questions surrounding former Google Ventures CEO Bill Maris and his impending health venture fund, expected to be titled Section 32, are swirling. Reports over the last few months have him raising a fund as high as $350 million, but maybe now closer to $100 million. One consistent point has been that he will run the fund from San Diego. News this week suggests he may be closer to making it happen. At this point it seems there is a great deal of interest even if no hard facts.


Co-Working With a View

Last fall Downtown Works opened as one of the newest spots for co-working and community in the startup world of San Diego. Founder Wolf Bielas brings a unique approach to the space. He believes in San Diego. He enjoys working with young companies. And he is hands-on. Since opening, companies such as Expedia and Industry have taken up space there. And Downtown Works is also home to SCALE (Smart Cities Accelerator, Labs and Environment). Founded by entrepreneur Daniel Obodovski, it’s focused on using technology and data solutions to solve the city’s problems. My favorite part of Downtown Works is the rooftop space. Located in Little Italy at India and B Street, it has to be the best view in town from a co-working space.


Local Research Collaboration Yields New Eye Implant

Researchers at UCSD in partnership with Nanovision Biosciences have created a new eye implant that could help those affected by macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, and loss of vision due to diabetes. Their findings have been published in the Journal of Neural Engineering.


UCSD Born Startup Helps Visually Impaired

Suman Kanuganti was inspired by a visually impaired friend to create Aria, an assistance platform using Google Glass and personalized service. With early funding and expertise from the late Larry Bock and a boost from the Lab to Market accelerator at the Rady School of Management at UCSD, Kanuganti was able to launch Aira, which now has 150 users.


Cayke Wins the Day

Local startup Cayke won the most votes last week at the EvoNexus Demo Day. Cayke makes video editing easy. Instead of using expensive cumbersome equipment, Cayke allows easy editing with its software. One of its biggest audiences is gamers who use the technology to keep their promotional videos fresh. Other companies that presented at the Demo Day include: Assured Wireless, Appulse Power, Gro Guru, Iteros, Pet Wireless, and Reachify.


Sports Illustrated Top SXSW Startups

San Diego-made Feetz made the Sports Illustrated list of startups that could change the way you work out. Feetz makes customized 3D printed shoes that can be personalized to your feet from your smartphone. The mention on this list was slightly aspirational as the shoemaker currently optimizes more for comfort than athletic performance.


Be There or Be…

  • March Mingle
    Tuesday, March 28, 7-10 p.m., Total Combat Paintball, 1699 Main Street
    One of the best attended startup community events of the year. Note: There will be no paintball, just a fun venue. 
  • Canopy San Diego Spring Cohort Launch Party
    Wednesday, March 29, 5-8 p.m., Canopy San Diego, 6335 Ferris Square, Suite B


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