San Diego’s Innovation Tip Sheet

January 4, 2016 Comments (0) Views: 3394 Opinion, People, Winter 2016

Why Hatch?

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Hatch from San Diego Magazine, the magazine about big ideas and innovation born in San Diego.

Jim Fitzpatrick, CEO and publisher of innovation magazine Hatch.

Jim Fitzpatrick, CEO and publisher, has wanted to start a new business magazine for years.

Why Hatch? Did you know that San Diego is one of the world’s major innovation hubs? Everyone knows about Silicon Valley, most know about Boston, but few know about San Diego’s role in changing the world.

San Diego is well known for its beaches and sunshine, SeaWorld, the zoo, and for having the largest naval base on the West Coast. Most outside of San Diego think Qualcomm is a football stadium, not a company that literally changed the world. Do you remember when the Ebola epidemic was at its peak and forecast to spread to the U.S., then the threat suddenly seemed to disappear? Little was said about where the treatment came from—a scientist at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla and the head of a local biotech company worked together with other agencies to develop a successful experimental drug.

In the July issue of San Diego Magazine, we published an article about Organovo, a biotech firm in Miramar that uses 3D printing to produce tiny human livers, kidneys, and other tissues for clinical trials of new drugs. Companies like Illumina are mapping human genomes and making it possible for all of us to know our DNA, to fight and prevent disease. Our universities are doing groundbreaking research. Associations like Connect and Biocom have hundreds of member companies developing new products.

This sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but it’s not; it is happening right here in our hometown—but few know about it.

We intend to change that. It’s time we let the world know that we are much more than “America’s Finest City.” We intend to brand San Diego as the America’s most creative, innovative, and world-changing city, because we are.

This is the first of four quarterly issues in 2016. With your support, we will increase the frequency in 2017.

Tell us what you think in the comments below.

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