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Naila Chowdhury, Marty Cooper, and Amanda Caniglia

September 1, 2016 Comments (0) Views: 2367 Blog, Life on the Mesa

Life on the Mesa: Giving Praise to the Mesa’s True Rock Stars

Marty Cooper is humble, hilarious, and hell-bent on remaining relevant

Come sit by me…

What does one do when they have met a person who revolutionized the world? Get their digits and ask for a lunch date. (Well, maybe it was an e-mail, but you get the point.) The Design Forward Summit this past June led me to the one and only Marty Cooper. The only thing better than meeting Marty was introducing him to my mentor, Naila Chowdhury. Naila was a director on the Grameen Village Phone project that empowered millions around the globe. Marty created the technology that helped her do it. So yesterday the three of us met to talk telecom and how, while some see cell phone technology as a detriment to our kids’ social skills, we see it as a means to eradicate poverty. And I learned this about Marty: he is humble, hilarious, and hell-bent on remaining relevant.

Humble. It’s amazing how these rock stars come to the Mesa and people just do not recognize them and the impact they have made on society. I was puzzled when Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus visited and was not recognized by anyone except two graduates who were celebrating at the Fishmarket downtown. This man has impacted millions of people around the world! The same occurred yesterday. I called my crew out from the kitchen for a shameless photo op and the honor of meeting such a legend. As Marty was leaving, customers came to inquire. Their reaction when they learned, priceless. Smiling coyly, I replied, “It was all a publicity stunt.” Kidding. But for a man who literally changed the way we live, you’d never know it was him. Marty is hands down the humblest rock star I’ve ever met. With gentle, twinkling eyes, and a winning smile, he always brings the conversation back to you.

Hilarious. Marty has the best sense of humor. We talked of travels and of some of his greatest speaking engagements. His recent trip to Paris was one of his top picks. Perhaps his most memorable? His visit and presentation at his grandchild’s local elementary school. (Don’t worry TPES, I’ve already asked.) Naila and Marty swapped stories of phone upgrades. After busting a few photos with us ladies and our crew at the BellaV, Marty chimed in: “Oh, I can put these up on Twitter.” The man is on point! A few customers later asked what kind of phone he was rocking. Great question! I’ll get back to you on that one. But I will say, it wasn’t an iPhone.

Hell-bent on staying relevant. When one has changed the world so early in their life, what do they do after that? How do they find their next purpose? How do they remain relevant? Perhaps our Miracle Coast starts giving credit where credit is due—to these brilliant change-makers, rather than athletes or movie stars who do not use their influence for the betterment of humankind. Our challenge on this planet is to praise these true rock stars in a way that they are able to remain humble, carry on private lives, accessible when needed, and an integral part of our Mesa community. I can promise you this: The three of us have just embarked on an amazing journey to eradicate poverty and improve access to education. We will begin in our own border region and of course, go worldwide.

Marty Cooper—you have given us a gift to connect, transform, and empower. There is much work to be done. It is an honor to now call you a friend and colleague. Let’s get this project rolling.


Upcoming events on the Mesa (I'll be at the fun table…)

  • FINAL Concert by the Sea
    September 4, 2 p.m., La Jolla Cove
    The Heroes, a seven piece rock n’ roll band, might possibly be the last act for our beloved Concerts by the Sea. We hope the tradition will carry on and are confident that one of the Mesa’s great leaders will step up to help raise funds for this community tradition. According to an article in the La Jolla Light, they need to raise $10,000 for the series. Can we say crowdfunding? Let’s do it, neighbors! That said, be sure to rally this weekend and get down to the Cove to enjoy this free concert which kicks off at 2 p.m. And let’s make sure it’s not the last!
  • 2016 MIP Award Deadline
    September 5, CONNECT
    Have you gotten your submission in for this year’s Most Innovative New Products Award? Chop chop, the deadline to submit for this honor given by our local organization CONNECT is this coming Monday. Last year, Curematrix walked away with some awards and a big fat check. This year there are newly updated judging criteria as well new categories so be sure to check them out here. Think you can win it? Then register here.
  • Scripps Community Open House
    September 6, 6:30 p.m., UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography
    Ever wonder what goes on at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography? Now’s your chance to find out! You are invited to come learn about the Institute’s latest scientific discoveries and future plans. And what better timing to hit up this open house than now, just following the arrival of its newest research ship, The Sally Ride. UC San Diego’s Vice Chancellor for Marine Sciences, Margaret Leinen, and Assistant Vice Chancellor Steve Gallagher will lead discussions on SIO’s efforts to understand and protect our planet, and physical plans to help move that vision forward. Event is free but they do kindly ask you to register. Come get involved. The shores is our playground. We need to protect it.
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