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San Diego could become one of the world’s smartest cities thanks to a new $30 million investment.

February 28, 2017 Comments (0) Views: 2796 Blog, Startup Buzz

Startup Buzz: San Diego Invests $30 Million in Smart City Technology

Plus: Cordial closes $6 million Series A

Follow the Money

Local behavioral marketing startup Cordial closed a $6 million Series A last week. The Cordial team is made up of industry veterans like Jeremy Swift and David Baker. The company is hoping to differentiate itself by deploying the most connected, multi-channel message platform on the market. It has also carved out a unique reputation for bridging the gap between CMOs and CTOs.


The Exitus Emergence

Just six months ago, Exitus, a technology company that offers a safety network during a crisis, partnered with Ziba Labs to gain assistance designing their hardware. Now it has a scalable product, a few clients, and a well-promoted partnership with Intel. Its leadership team and founders have some interesting personal stories that led them to this company, including a long-time basketball coach and a Navy Seal.


Athena Collects Wisdom from Female Entrepreneurs

Athena CEO Cheryl Goodman recently hosted an event where female entrepreneurs Martha Dennis of Gordian Knot, Kim Walpole of, and Susie Harborth of BioLabs San Diego offered their best advice for success. Goodman captured the highlights for those weren’t there.


Go Meta Launches Another Cash Hunt

Go Meta is hosting another money hunt in San Diego. On March 1, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., anyone who has the Metaverse virtual reality app can search the city for virtually hidden cash.  The cash will not physically be there. Instead, if you find the cash on the app, you receive the money digitally.  Go Meta was created after its founders saw the intensity around the Pokemon Go game last year.


San Diego Takes Steps toward Becoming a Smart City

The City of San Diego has pledged a $30 million investment to deploy what is referred to as the world’s largest smart city IoT sensor platform. The city has partnered with Current, a GE startup that works with cities to help them create smart environments. The first step will include transforming the city’s lighting infrastructure with sensors and advanced controls.  Additional capabilities will come later to aid in quality of life.


Be There or Be…

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