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April 6, 2017 Comments (0) Views: 5548 April 2017, Cross Border, People, Short Stories

Want to Do Business in Baja? Here’s 5 People You Need to Know

These local experts can help you navigate the landscape of cross-border business.


Anne McEnany

anne-mcenany-international-community-foundationPresident and CEO, International Community Foundation

The foundation works with nonprofits in Baja California and makes it easy for Americans to contribute to philanthropic projects throughout the region, such as restoring a historic landmark in an old mining town or providing aid to Haitian refugees in Tijuana. “Every day we work with committed individuals who are living and working in communities and neighborhoods just like our own, to make them healthier, more stable, and sustainable,” she says.



James Clark

james-clark-california-bajio-associatesManaging Director, California/Bajío Associates

Clark helps those who want to start a business and live in Mexico, and links them with Mexican entrepreneurs. He can help with everything from finding land and a home to health care and insurance. He says he’s asked most often about the business culture of Mexico, and that the biggest misconception is safety and security. “You are as safe, or safer, in Mexico as you are in the United States.”



Paola Avila

paola-avila-san-diego-regional-chamber-of-commerceVice President, International Business Affairs & Leadership Development, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce

Avila advised former Mayor Dick Murphy and California Senator Ben Hueso on San Diego–Tijuana relations, and continues to advocate for efficient border policies. “Mexico is more than a manufacturing hub,” she says. “Mexico ranks in the top 10 countries with the most engineering graduates. San Diego companies find many benefits to using this talented workforce.”



Flavio Olivieri

flavio-olivieri-cali-baja-bi-national-mega-regionExecutive Director, Cali Baja Bi-National Mega-Region

Olivieri facilitates business development by helping entrepreneurs and established businesses find the right resources and partners to successfully grow their companies. “Most people don’t realize the sophistication of advance manufacturing capabilities in Baja California, from aerospace to medical devices,” he says. “They are surprised by the level of competitiveness that their operations can achieve.”



Claudia Basurto

claudia-basurto-tijuana-innovadoraDirector of Special Programs and Projects, Tijuana Innovadora

Interested in Tijuana’s burgeoning startup sector? Basurto is in charge of new projects and programs to help startups get funding, and coordinates tours with government agencies and businesses that want to know more about Tijuana Innovadora, a weeklong event that showcases Tijuana’s economic potential. “People want to hear the success stories of doing business in Mexico and what’s next for the country,” she says.


Cross-Border Events

Learn more about our economic and cultural ties to Baja with these events and networking opportunities.

Gateway Conversations
Art displays and lectures at Balboa Park, and a guided excursion to a college in Tijuana. April 28–30

New Challenges
The Urban Land Institute hosts an expert panel on current challenges facing the Cali-Baja economy. May 9

Creative Mornings
The free monthly meetup and talk series (with breakfast included!) also happens in Tijuana at various locales.

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