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Farm to Classroom

Photo by Paul Body

April 18, 2017 Comments (0) Views: 2512 April 2017, Creative, Design, Short Stories, Tip Sheet

‘San Diego’s Sistine Chapel’ Gets a Facelift

The scoop on the construction at the Salk Institute

Since January 2016, workers have been carefully restoring the Salk Institute’s seaside facade, which has been weathered over the past five decades, for a $9.8-million facelift. Tim Ball, Salk’s senior director of facility services, says spores and biofilm had formed on the window walls’ teak wood panels, and some concrete surfaces had spalled. A grant from the Getty Conservation Institute helped fund the restorative work, and they’ve been able to salvage 70 percent of the original wood that was installed by architect Louis Kahn. An unveiling event is tentatively planned for May.

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