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San Diego Startup Week is Growing Up

June 13, 2017 Comments (0) Views: 2083 June 2017, Short Stories, Startups, Tip Sheet

Dispatch: Innovation around the Globe

Updates and impacts from four different cities around the world

San Francisco, California

Fintech Failure
Plastc, a startup that developed a “smart” payment card that consolidated one’s credit cards, went bankrupt. 80,000 preorders for the card went unfilled.

Lima, Peru

Martian Spuds?
Scientists at the International Potato Center (it’s real!) were able to grow potatoes in harsh soil from the Pampas de la Joya desert, which mimics the soil on Mars.

Latham, New York

Fuel Cell Fulfillment
The startup Plug Power struck a deal with Amazon to power its fulfillment centers with hydrogen and fuel-cell technology. It could earn $70 million this year from the deal.

Bangalore, India

Early Detection
Niramai, a startup founded by two women, developed a more affordable breast cancer screening device using artificial intelligence, thermal imaging, and the cloud.

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