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An illustration of the Zika Virus

May 9, 2018 Comments (1) Views: 2101 Biotech, Biotech Briefing, Blog

Biotech Briefing: A Hepatitis C Drug Could Treat Zika Infections

Plus: 10,000 Maniacs hold concert for Parkinson’s disease research, and the influence of San Diego’s first biotech

Reports + Research

A Hepatitis C Drug Could Treat Zika Infections

Researchers from UC San Diego School of Medicine noticed Hepatitis C virus and Zika virus have similar regions in their genome. Preclinical testing of a HepC drug, sofosbuvir, showed positive results. The researchers are planning to start clinical trials.


Histogen Receives FDA OK to Test Female Hair Loss Treatment in Clinical Trials

Histogen’s therapy, called hair stimulating complex, is an injection of growth factors designed to stimulate hair growth. The company says this treatment “is the first complex biologic consisting of a cocktail of naturally-secreted growth factors to be approved by the FDA as an investigational injectable treatment for alopecia.” Clinical trials will initially test for safety. The company will also have to prove efficacy of the treatment in additional clinical trials before it can be FDA-approved for general use.


Salk Scientists Decode Genome’s “Do Not Use” Marks

In new research published in Nature Genetics, Salk scientists identify proteins that turn off genes with DNA methylation, essentially marking DNA with a “do not use” sign. Understanding how DNA methylation is targeted to specific regions of the genome can lead to insights into developmental defects in plants, or diseases like cancer in humans.


The Influence of San Diego’s First Biotech: Hybritech

Bradley Fikes at The San Diego Union-Tribune looks at how Hybritech has impacted San Diego biotech. The influence can still be felt 40 years later in the people that continue to be a part of the region’s innovation. These people are not only starting companies but also training the next generation of researchers and entrepreneurs. The article also includes a Hybritech family tree.


10,000 Maniacs Hold Concert for Parkinson’s Disease Research

The alternative rock band 10,000 Maniacs performed on Saturday for supporters of a local Parkinson’s disease research project, Summit for Stem Cell. The organization is raising money to advance research for stem cell-derived therapies to treat Parkinson’s disease.


Read + Listen

BOW! Book of the Week

AI/ML is everywhere, at least it’s being mentioned everywhere. Don’t know what that is? Take a read of Life 3.0: Being Human in the age of Artificial Intelligence.



It’s Happening Here

May 15
From Scientist to Entrepreneur: Reflections on San Diego as a Biotech Hub is taking place the evening of May 15 at the Rady School of Management

May 16
Looking for a job in San Diego life sciences? Think about attending Link to San Diego: Life Sciences, sponsored by San Diego Regional EDC, taking place the evening of May 16 at MiraCosta College in Oceanside.

May 17
Ignite @ UC San Diego: Pioneers in Innovation is an event for STEAM students and is taking place the evening of May 17 at Price Center Forum.


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One Response to Biotech Briefing: A Hepatitis C Drug Could Treat Zika Infections

  1. williams says:

    Quite interesting facts. This will help in further research.

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