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November 28, 2018 Comments (0) Views: 3361 Tip Sheet

Sensational Things Are Happening At Sony

When compared to other San Diego tech giants, Sony has flown under the radar, but big things are in the works

Most everyone has used a Sony product, whether jamming out to an old-school Walkman, getting up close and personal with the Chargers via the JumboTron, or playing with an Aibo robo-puppy. While the Sony megacorporation is headquartered in Tokyo, its electronics division is based right in our own backyard. Although the company tends to keep a low local profile, at its offices in Rancho Bernardo and around San Diego County, more than 3,000 engineers, programmers, and other workers are plugging away at everything from high-end home theater equipment and PlayStation accoutrements to sensors for autonomous vehicles. “In an economy like San Diego where you have titans such as Qualcomm, ViaSat, and all this tech, we’re right there with them,” says Cheryl Goodman, Sony’s head of corporate communications, who’s leading a campaign to encourage the local community to take note of the company’s influence. “For over 40 years, we’ve been silently creating and innovating.”

Take a look at Sony’s Impact in San Diego:

– The company has had a presence in San Diego since operations began at a color TV assembly plant here in 1972.

– This year, the division made Working Mother’s list of 100 best mom-friendly workplaces.

– Sony cameras were used to film the 3D movie Avatar and will be used again for its upcoming sequel.

– The Sony Innovation Fund supports startups that are seeking to develop the next big thing in electronics.

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